Tuesday, November 23, 2010


i'm a hairy gorilla which is quite sad, coz that means i have 2 wax twice a day

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

bunnies that were

Is ignorance negligence? not always. You can't be expected to know everything, to prepare for every eventuality. But our ignorance was inexcusable negligence. Is negligence ever excusable? I don't know.

We had two 1 and 1/2- month old rabbits and one adult. We didn't think it'll be too cold for them on our roof, where we built their enclosure. But the temperature's been dropping - that's what happens when winter is coming - and I think it was a cold wind blowing last night. I went to check on them today early morning before going to school. The two little bunnies were sprawled close to each other on the soil and saw-dust bedding, like they had been blown down by the cold and the wind. They probably cuddled and cuddled until they had no energy left, and then they just lay down and gave in.

The big rabbit ( Waffles ) was hopping about the roof. I like to think that he's disconsolate now, but we'll find him a few bunny friends soon inshAllah, and we'll bring them down into the house in a hutch night-times.

I buried the two bunnies in the sand pit on the way to school.