Friday, July 31, 2009

The IG calender

The IGCSEs, as Roald Dahl may put it, are the most blisterous disgusting pussy little snozgobbling experiences that many teenagers have. If you ask someone in holidays before IGs about what he feels, he'll say please don't discuss it, because its like a smelly cabbage that you don't want to smell till you're close enough to pinch it and fling it into the bin. Ask anyone in the middle of it and they probably won't reply because they're studying their heads off and worrying about the next exam, and ask anyone finished and they'll punch your head and warn you not to remind them of that maggot-eating experience. hahaha, just joking, but I'm sure its half true, and I think I must have felt a bit like that.

Anyways, I'm writing this because I'll be recieving my results ( very good inshallah, also Muhammad's ) in around 9 days inshallah, and everytime I think of, and I think more often of it now, my heart flies on wings around my chest and looks for a way out, my stomach gets a tickly squizzely sensation and my toes twitch and feel cold. I swear, I'm writing this as I feel it all, right now. hahaweeeha. haha, I can feel it and its funny. ( but I'm also nervous ).

I remember the first week in IGs, and all the teachers were telling us how different studying will now be, you need to be more serious, and work really hard, and the business teacher actually made us scared. In between is a blur, with vague memories of so many exams. Then you have the Mocks, and the IG atmosphere has set in. IGs are only a few weeks off, in our case four weeks. We started IGs with physics paper (6), intense exams over one month, some of which you remember, if you think you did well or didn't do too well, then of course, the moment you hand your last paper over to the examiner, ( paper (1) chemistry ), and I might have cried at that moment, its almost like most boundries to your life have been removed, and you're free again. As Ibraheem Hani put it " I've done my time, and I'm outta this prison ".

I don't know why I'm remembering all this, but its scary that the results are so close inshallah. They'll be vey good for all of us inshallah, They'll all be very good inshallah.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gone for around two weeks inshallah

Yes, we came back from the airport around one and a half hours ago, where we sent off Ummi and Muhamamd. They're going to singapore and malaysia inshallah. We took some photos of the King Khaled International airport, which is really quite poxy, so I wonder why it looks nice in the photos.
( If you're reading this muhammad then you're in sufi's house, right?).

through the glass, so there are a lot of reflections of the triangular patterns.

if you enlarge this image and look through the glass windows of the airport, you can see the singapore airlines plane which they are taking to Singapore inshallah.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

something funny

This is brief inshallah, because its half twelve at night and i'm exhausted - or I should be anyway. We just went to Riyadh Gallery, a monstrously huge shopping mall by any comparison, at around 9 O'clock to collect ummi. We got there and met ummi, who said she just wanted to check one more shop, and should be done in a few minutes inshallah. Abi, predicting with the knowledge of experience that ummi was likely going to take a little longer than a few minutes, settled comfortably into costa coffee, while i went shopping alone.

There was however one small problem; ummi's mobile didn't have charge. I therefore told ummi to meet abi at costa when done, and if abi isn't there then check in the foodcourt upstairs. Having discharged my duty of arranging the meeting place, we went our seperate ways.

Around half an hour later, I met abi at costa. Where's Ummi and the girls ? 'no idea'. But I thought ummi said she was just about to finish, well maybe she hasn't.

I thought i'd go look for them myself in the foodcourt. All the way to the third floor, then past so many crowded resturaunts and fast foods, and even more crowded sitting areas, and generally looking in such an enourmous and crowded foodcourt that the very idea now seems unjustifiably ambitious. half an hour later, met again with abi at costa ( who has been waiting patiently ), no they aren't there. Oh I know, I thought i'd go look at the shop i'd last seen them at, might still be there.

Ummi and the girls, meanwhile, had gone to costa almost an hour earlier, checked quickly and not seeing abi - due to the most astonishingly incompetent search that I believe can possibly be executed by a small toad on two legs - went upstairs to the foodcourt. They looked and looked, they split in two parties and combed the court up and down looking for abi - who was still waiting at costa - but obviously didn't find him, so they sat down to eat. ( they told me all this later ).

Back to me, I didn't find ummi at the shop, nor anywhere else, so decided to check the foodcourt again to make sure. Went back up, checked thouroughly, no-one. By now abi was really fed-up, and decided that maybe we should check the car park. haha, of course, abi didn't find them.

I was waiting at costa as abi was searching, just in case they came back. maybe twenty minutes later, I heard a joyful ISAAAA. and there they were. Alhamdulillah, I was so happy I started laughing, and told ummi that the situation was impossibly hilarious.haha. Abi came back some time later, and was decidedly not amused.haha, its funny anyway, and i'm sure everyone will laugh later on inshallah. anyway its late and I need to sleep.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Yes, sorry I haven't written for a rebelliously long time. Indeed, most people have probably forgotten that I ever had a blog, that i hadn't written for an almost rebelliously long time, and the startling fact that i was unlikely ever to write again. ( work that out, haha ).
Anyways, these holidays are so boring that I can't even write a story, even if it didn't happen. enough. Again. Anyways, the other day I was driving ( please, i'm not showing off ) to get
shawarmas and i suddenly noticed three guys walking so close to the road
as to place their lives in peril, or so I thought. Of course, i swerved the car sud
denly and almost hit the car on my left, and as I drove on shakenly, he stopped his car in the middle of the road and flashed his lights like a surprised and thouroughly angry toad.

If you're the sort of person that notices things, like winnie the pooh, then you've probably noticed that the mind wanders through various moods, represented by thoughts. So when my mind wanders, and is in a malancholy mood, my thoughts are sometimes of my friends. ( whom I can't visit because they've traveled ). In any case, I've decided to upload some of their photos to represent some of my thoughts and make the blog more interesting.

left to right : zayd, mahdi, ibraheem, muhammad, zakariya, isma'el.

us boys messing around while trying to take a photo. we obviously found it very funny.

the day after we finished IGs, our room seen from my bed.
left to write : zayd, ibraheem, muhammad, isma'el, zakariya.

me and hani the day we finished IGs.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Some journey pictures.

three trucks at a petrol station. i thought it looked nice.
we were at the petrol station before dawn.

Long winding road. From the back window.

Desert stretches to the horizon.

145 kilometres left on Riyadh.

The journey home.

We came back from Jubail earlier today, around 7 am, and what a journey that was.

You see, we had gone to this wedding - which I think Muhammad has already written about - which started at 9 pm, and went on until very late. In fact, beyond the working hours of most clocks, so I'm not sure what time we finished.

The journey home began strait from the wedding palace. We drove in a very dark, starless, and dusty night, mile after mile. Like most car journeys, it was boring - masterly understatement -, that is until we got lost, then it became more and more scary.

What happened was that this highway we were on didn't have many road signs, and so when we came to a fork in the road - where the road splits and you can take either of two directions - there was no sign telling you which road led where. Anyway, Abi just guessed, and soon we were on a dark road with hardly any cars, and after maybe 40 kilometres the road signs said : road to Bahrain. haha. ( bahrain is another country by the way ).

Well, alhamdulillah we found a U-turn, and now, obviously, I'm back in Riyadh. The entire journey was around 600 km due to the unfortunate detour, and I've now slept around five hours in my cosy bed. haha.

but the most crazy thing is that us boys are now going off to some friends to play football and swim inshallah.