Friday, February 12, 2010

early morning

I thought I'd do maths today, early morning, straight after Fajr, but the morning atmosphere was so beautiful I thought I must share it with you, so I wrote:

" Isa is sitting alone in the dining room, early morning, the sky has just turned from purple to blue, and the cool air comes mildly through the dining room windows, and the cockerel's voice comes in sharply, and together they make it feel like a fresh morning all to myself; as I do maths.
And the morning is awake now, as I am, and I feel we're the only two awake - there goes the cockerel again - . Some of my sisters are reading in bed, maybe Enid Blyton's books, which take you on wonderful trips through stormy and adventurous weather and events.
But she never described a morning like this, and if she did maybe I missed it and didn't catch what she meant, or she missed the desert morning and caught an England morning instead; which is just as beautiful, and usually comes with a newspaper and a nice breakfast and orange juice, or tea.
Sometimes our morning comes with a wonderful breakfast too. mostly it doesn't. So people don't really bother about the desert morning, they just sleep through this this beautiful quietness.
I got to do maths now.

Stay up one morning by yourself, when everyone goes back to sleep, and relax and enjoy the morning, wherever you are. ( preferably with a cup of coffee ).


  1. You sound just like my grandpa. There is just this one little difference,,he was in his sixties!!

    1)number one u never wake up early in ksa. it just makes the day longer and more boring
    2)and.. dont study maths on vacation
    oh, and dont refer to urself in 3rd person.

  2.'re so freaking boring boy...

  3. My writing is boring? fine, your view.

    My topics are boring? too bad it's my blog, so shutup too.
