Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Salam everyone, especially family, especially Ummi and Abi, The weather has been cold or cold and rainy ever since we arrived, with some bright sun bursts. And now from my window grey clouds, shredded and greyer at the bottom, are steaming past my window with fixed purpose, and Allah sends the winds that blow the clouds wherever Allah wants.

The first few days I was extremely uncomfortable, because the wet coldness that I felt moving around in my clothes was like I had wet myself and people were sitting around me, but I don't feel that anymore alhamdulillah.

 Abi drove a lot, from town to town to city to town for my university launch, and to visit a friend. We had many fish and chips, and some bread, cheese and crisps lunches which we ate crammed in a corner in the hotel room, but alhamdulillah. We walked on the promenade the first morning in the hotel, and went down onto the colourful, smooth pebbles of the beach, while a beautiful sunrise shot a long orange ray on the sea like a runway.

 I'm already feeling lonely and Abi only left last night and I only left Ummi and the family a week ago and Khadijah left five days before me. But anyways Ummi and Abi tried very hard to set me up here, and Khadijah did too and my sisters knitted me an octupus and Ibrahim has taken up driving and A-levels - mashAllah - and Muhammad is in the same situation as me, and so is Khadijah actually so I can't sit here sadly looking at the birds in the cold outside. I must do my own jobs; as everyone would like me to.

 Here are some photos about the trip so far, which has mostly been Abi trying and me being obstinate.

The previous photos are of Dubai airport. Do you think displaying photos like this is nicer ?

the dirtiness and wetness of English cities. This is above Manchester airport.

where we stayed for about 4 days before my uni accommodation opened.

this little path is the first you've seen of Bangor.

We walked this promenade before sunrise. the sun then rose behind the clouds. It is not the one mentioned in the article. It was quite neglected. That house on the pier  in the 2nd lowest photo was derelict - Abi's word - but imagine the happy holidaying crowds and ice-cream licking children 30 years ago.

3rd to 8th of these photos show a sunburst - Isa's term - which happened to be  on a route the map said was scenic. So Abi stopped and we got out, climbed the little fence in the first picture and gained elevation through hill scrambling to take photos. There are many multi-coloured hills in England for some reason.

This is Conwy Bay and Castle. I hope this makes some amends, Muhammad.

these views are special because we passed them every time we went to Bangor - twice I think.

this is my room and the views are beautiful mashAllah.

see how it changes subhanAllah. I think that is Snowdonia National Park in the background.


  1. Rabby yi7meek w yi7fadhak. This made my week.

  2. Bittwafee8 InshAllah. Those views are mesmerising - the ones outside your room, not inside.
    Hmmm, not feeling extensively jealous of your spacious living arrangements lol, but could be worse. Please visit my room for clarification.

  3. mashaallah. I wish i was with you!

  4. Those pictures are breathtaking. Watch and learn Hammadi ;)May Allah give you tawfeeq my son. One day, you'll make me proud of you.

  5. Asalam

    I think the girls need to visit to help organise Isa's room a little. I didn't do a very good job there!

    I am now back in Dammam, comparing the desert to that luscious country-side.

    By the way, I do not find English cities dirty. Wet, yes, especially it seems in North Wales. Can we all go hiking there one day - Dr Muhammad reminded me of my suggestion?

    Take care all of you.


  6. yes we do Abi we do!
