Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Nice things

Dear gifts from two of my sisters; the octopus with six legs (the apparent model of an entirely new species of starfish) (hehe I still love it) and the awesome cushion with pretty petals that is a huggable  acorn of this blog.
That's a nice white wall in the background. *wink, wink*  


  1. MashaAllah tabarakaAllah!!! The cushion! I want one, girls! Not fair.

  2. hahaha Isa, 5alaaaa9 kam marrah a8oolik i got ur hint!! lol :D inshAllah 3ala al6aree8.....
    i'v just been looking at crayon melting paintings, and marble paintings. Let me know if u like them (u'd better) 6ab3an inshallah mine would be nicer ;D....

  3. Those two pieces of art are Gorgeous MashAllah. I'm expecting something very similar, though of course of a calibre that caters to my refined sense of art.

  4. thank you... thank you!! Ahem.. 6ab3an if I have time I'll make the rest...(msawwiyatli;)

  5. 6ab3an hammah that present that fatimah is making u inshAllah is supposed to be a surprise! lol :D ya3ny moo lazim u iftha7 me and u!! lol (sorry fatimah)

  6. Haha okay JazakAllah khairan Fatimah, btw I'm unlikely to have any surprise for anyone back home since I'm so broke.
